Our editorial guidelines are simple: We maintain a strict policy to ensure our content satisfies our quality criteria. Once an article is written, it’s carefully edited by our editorial team who are experts on the subject.

We are deeply committed to publishing high-quality pieces that meet the needs of our readers.

  • We always publish relevant and useful pieces that reflect the questions people are asking online.
  • Our staff checks and rechecks each piece to ensure the information is accurate and relevant and that any process step can be followed.
  • Accuracy is the cornerstone of our editorial policy. All our troubleshooting articles are tested on a virtual and physical PC environment by our team of subject experts.
  • We make every effort to obtain our own products and software to conduct unbiased reviews.
  • When we write about equipment or explain how to do things, we always try to have hands-on experience with those items or processes.
  • We include helpful images when possible to help supplement the written content.
  • Our formatting, spelling, and grammar is always checked by a team of experts.
  • We don’t accept pay to publish content, and we don’t make sponsored posts.
  • Any recommendation we make – whether a product or service – is recommended because we think it’s the best one available. While we may use affiliate links, they do not influence what we say about any linked product. Affiliate links give a small fee to the site
  • We strive for fairness and integrity in all our content.

You can expect these guidelines to be upheld on any work published by Tech News Today.

Fact-Checking Policy

We want everything we publish to be completely accurate, which is why we have such a rigorous editorial process. Our articles are examined, fact-checked, and tested by multiple people before they’re published to ensure our readers get precisely the right information they need. Here’s a peek at the process to help you better understand how we do things.

A writer with a track record of experience in the topic they’re writing about researches and edits their own article. Next, our editors and proofreaders take over, checking the content for accuracy and testing any steps themselves. If any questions or areas need to be expanded, the team communicates with the author to clarify. Once we’re sure the information is just right, it’s edited for content and readability before being published.

Trust with our readers is one of the most important things to us. Tech is a major part of everyone’s lives, and we want you to know you can depend on us to deliver the information and help you need. If you ever think we’ve missed the mark, reach out and let us know.

Corrections Policy

Tech is a massive field growing at the speed of light. Rapid changes and new innovations sometimes mean that articles must be corrected or updated. We always try to keep an eye on comments, letters from readers, and our own spot-checking on published articles to ensure we’re still delivering the right information.

If we find a mistake, we correct it as soon as possible. Don’t be scared to reach out and let us know if you spot something you think isn’t quite right. You can contact us at corrections@technewstoday.com if you think an article requires a correction or needs an update, and we’ll check it out immediately.

Ethics Policy

We have a high ethical standard for everyone at Tech News Today. Our content should reflect our dedication to kindness, honesty, and integrity. We’re dedicated to creating a fair and inclusive workplace and space online for our readers.

Mailing Address

For fast response, please reach out to us via email. However, you can also mail as at the following mailing addres.

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