Dust filters collect all the dust and prevent it from entering the case. You should not have any second thoughts while using them. Let me explain why.
Dust filters collect all the dust and prevent it from entering the case. You should not have any second thoughts while using them. Let me explain why.
Learn how to select the right SSD for your PC build. A comprehensive guide for beginners.
Your PC should always be elevated to ensure proper airflow and optimal cooling. Don't place it on the floor, especially if it's carpeted. Read more...
You have to clean your PC regularly if it accumulates dust quickly. Otherwise, it depends on various environmental factors. Check here to learn more.
If you're only planning to test a few settings, you don't need a PC case. But if you're thinking about longevity, you definitely need one. Read more..
Graphics card overheating can put a strain on your whole system. Monitoring your temperatures and addressing any problems with heat mitigation are the best way to keep your graphics card...
In answer to the querry "How old is my computer?" Here are five ways of finding out your machine's age.